Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hospital Patient Handling Safety Guidelines

This case study identifies associated issues with patient handling and safety guidance for users. patient hoist
Patient Handling issues.
Patient handling and the use of hoists has become common place in the provision of health services at hospital or within the community. patient handling
Hoists are often used to assist patients being moved from one place to another, and as this movement involves load bearings the two areas most commonly associated with safety issues are to the patient being lifted (as a result of slips and falls) and secondly to the person or persons assisting with the lift process (as a result of lifting of falling items.patient lift
An average of 120 incidents per year are reported to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
If used correctly the introduction of a patient hoist can minimise both risk and discomfort whilst speeding up the patient handling process.